Is my girl a boy?


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
Western New York
I have 12 girls... SO I THOUGHT!! Until this morning when I heard someone crowing in the hen house!! 7 of my chickens are 14 weeks old and 5 are 12 weeks old. The one I suspect is Maudie, she's 14 weeks old. She's a White Rock. I know they grow pretty quickly, but she developed a comb and wattles at 6 weeks old. Her tail looks pretty long and flowing... but I don't know... this is my first experience with chickens. She does act differently than the other girls. She does this wing spread thing with head down at me - not threatening, just warning sort of, but she/he is basically very sweet. She/he does seem to be the top hen, but she is not a bully at all. Anyone have any ideas? If she is a rooster, I will keep her/him.

I have another one, I suspect too. I call her Charles Manson. She's a 12 week old RIR. She's always acted real weird... she's very anti-social and disruptive. If she is a rooster, she's going down the road!! :thun

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Sorry, being a newbie myself I don't have an answer, but another question to add...

DO hens crow, ever?? I mean the actual loud 'cockadoodledo' kind of crowing? I've read a couple posts here where people thought they possibly had crowing hens...

When my BR hen was young, she used to crow. It wasn't really a good crow, though. Hens sometimes take over the dominant position in the flock and start crowing if there isn't a rooster. (Although mine only crowed once a month or something. Must've been PMS).
I like the name Claude. Thanks!!
I've resigned myself to the fact I have a boy. He's even different looking from the back, he's not all soft and covered in down like the others are. He's sort of gangly - all legs like a gawky teenage boy!! Hmmmm... that changes a lot for me as I wanted only girls, but he's a good boy. I like him. You guys are the best - thanks for all the info!!
If he is dancing with you he is probably a rooster and should start dancing for the pullets.......can you tell if he has saddle feathers that flow downwards on his back?...also the tail is a give away if its flowing....

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