Is my hen a rooster?


May 17, 2015
Hey everyone,
In the last two days one of my chickens has begun to crow. Not all the time and not necessarily first thing in the morning. Can someone please tell me if I have a rooster in our mix or just a hen who is playing leader. I know my black and red hens are hens as they lay but the other three I bought as hatchlings.
Thank you.
The large, pronounced combs on some the birds suggests that you've got a couple young roosters, particularly in the last picture on the right. In the picture on the right, there seems to be at least one, perhaps two roosters to the left of the hen with a pea comb.

As young roosters begin to "develop their crow," over time you'll find them crowing more and more frequently.
Welcome! I don't know if it's a rooster but someone hopefully will come along and let ya know. I'm still new to chickens myself. Just wanted to say hello and welcome!
Thank you. I was hoping they were just hens making their presence known. Bummer. Looks like I'll be getting rid of some. Haha.
Hello and Welcome to BYC!
You have a rooster. Not only the comb and wattles show that but also the tail feathers and you telling us that it is crowing. I hope you can keep him if not find a place to put him!
Hey everyone,
In the last two days one of my chickens has begun to crow. Not all the time and not necessarily first thing in the morning. Can someone please tell me if I have a rooster in our mix or just a hen who is playing leader. I know my black and red hens are hens as they lay but the other three I bought as hatchlings.
Thank you.
Yup, you've got at least two boys, by looking at the combs and hackles.

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