Is my hen egg bound?


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2016
Hello, I've already posted about my sick chicken, but I had a question, I can feel an egg in Ginger's abdomen, but she isn't swollen or straining, and it isn't near the vent at all - it's right by her pelvis. Could she be egg bound? Should I give her calcium just in case? I'm not sure when she laid an egg last, but she didn't lay one this morning.
So sorry no one answered you.

I’d give her 1 -2 tums or other another calcium supplement that you may have at home.
Tonight and again in the morning.

If she seems to be uncomfortable try soaking her in a sink or basin of warm water with epsom salt (1/2cup ) in it if you have it - halfway up her sides for 15-20minutes or so.
Most chickens enjoy it once they become accustomed to it.
Dry her well after. Blow drying is also pleasant for many and the relaxation of the calcium boost and bath may help her get the egg out.

I’d keep her indoors tonight to keep her quiet.
So sorry no one answered you.

I’d give her 1 -2 tums or other another calcium supplement that you may have at home.
Tonight and again in the morning.

If she seems to be uncomfortable try soaking her in a sink or basin of warm water with epsom salt (1/2cup ) in it if you have it - halfway up her sides for 15-20minutes or so.
Most chickens enjoy it once they become accustomed to it.
Dry her well after. Blow drying is also pleasant for many and the relaxation of the calcium boost and bath may help her get the egg out.

I’d keep her indoors tonight to keep her quiet.
Thank you, and no worries. I'll do that tonight and tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.
So sorry no one answered you.

I’d give her 1 -2 tums or other another calcium supplement that you may have at home.
Tonight and again in the morning.

If she seems to be uncomfortable try soaking her in a sink or basin of warm water with epsom salt (1/2cup ) in it if you have it - halfway up her sides for 15-20minutes or so.
Most chickens enjoy it once they become accustomed to it.
Dry her well after. Blow drying is also pleasant for many and the relaxation of the calcium boost and bath may help her get the egg out.

I’d keep her indoors tonight to keep her quiet.
Just gave her a couple tums! Hopefully her illness is only a stuck egg and not something worse, thanks for the advice!
You need to know if she’s pooping. An egg bound hen cannot poop and that is what can kill her. Is she pooping? If not, the egg bound issue is urgent. She would have a penguin stance and you would know if she wasn’t feeling well, however. Please keep us posted.
You need to know if she’s pooping. An egg bound hen cannot poop and that is what can kill her. Is she pooping? If not, the egg bound issue is urgent. She would have a penguin stance and you would know if she wasn’t feeling well, however. Please keep us posted.
I checked on her this morning and her crop emptied overnight and she is pooping. I gave her a couple more tums to hopefully move things along. Still not sure if egg binding is why she's sick. I do think I saw her straining last night, but it isn't a constant effort. The egg is still in the same position it was last night, so I'll try the Epsom salt bath this morning to hopefully move things along .
It's definitely not urgent, so I don't want to cause too much worry - she's eating and drinking (not as much as she normally does), and she still has her attitude.
I did lose a young hen about a month ago to some mystery illness - there weren't any clear signs as to what it is that killed her, although toward the end she had a constant "gulping" motion, and she scratched at her head a lot. Worried that this hen has the same illness. Does this sound like anything to you? Let me know, thank you. -Bekah
If she’s eggbound she’ll have a certain posture that really does look like a penguin walk. Shoulders up, head pulled close to her shoulders, tail pointing down. Definitely give her a good soak this morning.

That is worrisome to discover you had a loss not long ago.
And the symptoms sound like gapeworms which I’ve never personally experienced.
Here’s some info on that.

Did you introduce any new chickens to your flock in the recent past (6 months or so, go to a swap, visit a friend with chickens...?
Try to get some human calcium supplement that also have vitamin D. One tablet daily is sufficient, (or one Tums.) Put on a disposable glove and insert a finger into her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg. She could have a lash egg inside from salpingitis, cancer, or you might be feeling something else. Good luck.
Try to get some human calcium supplement that also have vitamin D. One tablet daily is sufficient, (or one Tums.) Put on a disposable glove and insert a finger into her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg. She could have a lash egg inside from salpingitis, cancer, or you might be feeling something else. Good luck.

Hi, I hope its ok to chime in. Is it 1 Tums per hen? I have a 5 month old Leghorn. She hasn't started laying yet but today she kept sitting in the nesting box. She's acting depressed and sitting alone in the yard. Is this what being "broody" is or is it something else? Thanks.
Hi, I hope its ok to chime in. Is it 1 Tums per hen? I have a 5 month old Leghorn. She hasn't started laying yet but today she kept sitting in the nesting box. She's acting depressed and sitting alone in the yard. Is this what being "broody" is or is it something else? Thanks.
Instead of giving Tums, are you feeding layer feed and putting some crushed oyster shell out in a container to let them take as they need it? Giving Tums is only an emergency source of calcium for a hen with egg binding. Better is a calcium tablet with D3. But those are only needed for an eggbound hen, or for one laying thin shelled or shell-less eggs.

If she is sitting alone in the yard, she may be sick, not broody, so I would give her an exam to feel her crop, make sure that she is drinking well and eating. Offer her some egg. Look her over for mites and lice. Look for any diarrhea or blood in poop.

Broody is when they sit in a nest box all the time, wanting to hatch eggs.

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