Is my roost big enough?


Apr 27, 2015
I currently have 8 chickens that are 6 weeks old and I'm getting 2 more in June. My roost is a ladder style. It is 3 foot tall and 3 foot wide. There are three roosting bars. Right now, all the chicks can fit on the top one but I'm worried that when they get bigger there won't be enough space, especially when I get two more.
I have 2 easter eggers, 2 blue andalusians, 2 white marans, 2 salmon faverolles (all hens) and I'm getting 1 buff orpington female and 1 salmon faverolle rooster in June.
I am no expert but I think as long as they have 1ft roost space for each bird you should be good so you have 9 linear feet so should be good.

oh just saw that your adding more.... you might need to add a roost in there when you get the others....
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I have another question.

I'm going to build another roost. I'm gonna use an old ladder, cut to size, and hang it on the wall of the coop. It'll be able to fold up for cleaning and to give them floor space during the day, folded back down at night so they can roost. Here's where I got the idea:

Think that'll be enough space for 10 chickens? They'll be able to rest on the actual steps and the side of the ladder.

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