Is my satin broody?


Jun 22, 2020
New York
Is she broody or just laying an egg? I collected her eggs yesterday and there are no eggs under her. She’s been in the nest for about 5 hours now...
Experienced opinions needed, lol!

Thanks in advance!

She might be.
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?

If so, then she is probably broody and you'll have to decide how to manage it.

She might be.
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?

If so, then she is probably

Actually there’s a few behavioral issues I’ve been witnessing with her.

She is the only bantam in the flock, and for the most part lives in the 4ft crate during the day. She got along with all but one of the girls who will peck her feathers out and do the jump kick thing on her. This has made her wary of all the other full-sized hard feathered girls.

I noticed the ticking bomb clucking behavior a few days ago, but not when she’s on the nest -when she’s walking around near the big girls. Whenever she sees one of the big girls come near, she would puff up to look bigger, go cluck cluck cluck (her normal sound is a cheep cheep) and sometimes lets out that broody screech. I always thought it was a weird sound for a chicken to make, but since she was eating pooping and laying fine, i chalked it down to an individual trait.

this is all pretty new behavior, but as she just lost her satin frizzle broodmate, I thought they were just new behaviors she developed around the bigger girls, but it turns out they were all broody behavior???

Oh and this morning when I let them out into the run, she went right back to it. She has her own little wire cage and roost inside the coop, so there’s nowhere for her to nest.

She does indeed flatten out back into a pancake when i pull her out into the next and put her on the ground. I took her out of the run yesterday and put her in a pen in the front yard, she did fine, eating and drinking as usual...I brought her to the coop at night, and she roosted as usual, so i thought it was all over, how naive of me 😂
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Oh no, one of my orloffs just joined team ticking time bomb....

She’s been at it since this morning. She even moved to the other nest after the other girls laid their eggs since she wasn’t actually sitting on anything. Took her out of the nest, screeching pinecone on the ground, screeching pine cone on the roosting bar.... it took a while before she hopped down for some food, still a ticking clucking pinecone.

I moved silkie again to the play pen in the front yard.... day 2 *face palm*

is this broody thing contagious???
I blocked off all the nests in the run, and moved satin into the house. Going to get her some fertilized eggs this afternoon.

I’m wondering whether this cage is big enough, I wouldn’t mind letting have free reign of the space, but she’s in the same room as my indoor/outdoor cats. Although she was in the same room with them all winter, in a large open tote, it’s been a while and I don’t want to take any chances.

I’m thinking once her broodiness is confirmed, of letting her out in the evenings into the yard when my big girls are allowed to free range.

how long would the eggs be okay without her sitting on them?


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I got her six eggs yesterday, numbered them and pulled the 2 unfertilized ones from under her.

This morning I took her off the nest for some food, drink and poop. since she’s inside the house in a relatively small cage, I figure it’s better for me to manually set her meal time.

I brought her out onto the grass, she ate, drank and took a big dump. Then she let me know she was done by brooding on the grass...back to the nesting box she went.

Day 1..?

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