Is my silkie okay?


In the Brooder
Dec 3, 2020
I got a silkie chicken today and when i went to check on her tonight she was sleeping on the floor of the coop on top of the woodchips and not on roost with the other girls. Is this okay?
You just stuck her in the coop with your other hens? Likely they bullied her off the roost. It is recommended to have a one-two week period where a new chicken can live next to, but not with, the flock. They can be really mean to new members, especially on smaller breeds such as silkies. I’d take her out and set up an area next to your regular coop where the other hens can get used to her for a while. If not, they could bully, hurt her, or even keep her away from food and water and she could starve.
It doesn't look like they pecked at her. I got her tonight and it's cold outside so i didn't want her to sit in the cold outside of the coop. Should i go back out and take her out? I checked on her a couple of times and it doesn't seem like they bullied her. She never ventured to the other side of the coop
It doesn't look like they pecked at her. I got her tonight and it's cold outside so i didn't want her to sit in the cold outside of the coop. Should i go back out and take her out? I checked on her a couple of times and it doesn't seem like they bullied her. She never ventured to the other side of the coop
They could have been pecking at her, not necessarily ON her, but still enough that a submissive chicken would feel intimidated. If it’s cold I would bring her inside. Since this is her first day it isn’t going to change the pecking order if you do decide to put her back in with them tomorrow. If you have a dog kennel or something that would be fine for her to spend the night in the house or heated garage. What kind of coop set up do you have?
I don't have a ventilated container to bring her inside, the owner i bought it from said she would be okay in this weather, all his chickens are free range outside a lot of them sleep in trees. I just got nervous. I have two chickens in the coop besides her, one is a very shy girl who is scared of everything, and the other one is another pullet. Thank you for responding, i'll let younknow how she is tomorrow. Whe. I went to check on her she got up and walked around i was scared because she was sleeping on the woodchips
I don't have a ventilated container to bring her inside, the owner i bought it from said she would be okay in this weather, all his chickens are free range outside a lot of them sleep in trees. I just got nervous. I have two chickens in the coop besides her, one is a very shy girl who is scared of everything, and the other one is another pullet. Thank you for responding, i'll let younknow how she is tomorrow. Whe. I went to check on her she got up and walked around i was scared because she was sleeping on the woodchips
Well I’m glad there are only two other girls! For some reason I imagined more when I read your post. I look forwards to hearing how she is in the morning!
Silkies can't fly at all, is she able to walk up to the roosts?
This morning when i went to check on them she was on the roosts with the other girls! In fact she took one of their spots. This morning she was fine, but i think since i let her out she must of scratched her beak on something! It's a tiny bit bloody on her comb how should i treat it?

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