Is pasta okay?? Im out of feed..


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Is cooked pasta, nothing added to it okay to give to my chickens? They aint really babies anymore, about 2 months old, i ran out of feed, so I need something to give them for now, is cooked pasta okay?
Yes, you can feed them cooked pasta, but I wouldn't use this as a sole food suppliment. Do you have any oat meal/oats/cheerios? I'd give them that as well.
No oats or cereal right now, i plan on getting to orchlean's this evening for ther feed, so this is just for a few hours. Thanks for letting me know;)
I just asked this on anothwer post, but is apples okay? I do have a sack of whole apples but i heard that they can be un-safe for chickens, is this true? If not then ill give them some apples too.
I just answered the apple question in your other thread
They are going to be spoiled birds by tonight
Mine learn very quickly about treats. I cannot go into the run at all without something in my hands for them. They will literally surround me and attack me! I have created little monsters, lol
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Thank you!! Im boiling them some pasta right now then going to cool it off, one thing i like watching them eat is worms, its so funny how they will play keep away with them lol
I've given it as a treat, but not as a sole diet.

Last night, I took a couple of pieces of rigatoni and tore the cylindrical shape into strips with my fingers. They loved it. How they can eat macaroni without tomato sauce is beyond me. Maybe I'll try offering it with sauce tonight and see if it proves popular with the flock.

Der Alte
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Oh I know! That is the best part about pasta, blades of grass, worms, feathers! Lol they make such a game out of it, even the little tiny chicks. I never tire of watching them.
I find it incredible to watch one of them eat a feather while surrounded by over 2,400 sq. ft. of grass and other edibles. Even while I'm holding out a treat, I've seen one pause to pick up and eat a feather.

Strange indeed are the thoughts and ways of chickens.

Der Alte
They are fun to watch, and it is amazing what they will and will not eat. Mine hate celery, raw or cooked. And love pasta, with and without sauce of any kind.

I buy them lady finger popcorn, pops into tiny half normal size, and they love it. Easier to get down in one gulp, lol.


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