Is she egg bound???


Jan 13, 2016
My husband and I have a 9 month old Sicilian Buttercup hen. About 4 days ago I was holding her and felt an egg in her lower belly. She had not layed an egg in about 5 days. We took her out and soaked her and dried her off and took care of her but still no egg. Today is the 4th day and still no egg. She does not act sick at all. She eats and drinks and runs around. In fact she doesn't even seem to be trying to lay the egg. The only time she jumps in a box is when there is an egg or a golf ball that she want to sit on. Then she jumps in the box and sits but never tries to lay her egg. The temps have been really cold here. It was like 3 degrees this morning. Could the cold temps be causing this or is she egg bound? She doesn't have any of the symptoms of egg binding except feeling that egg in her belly. Any help would be very welcome.
It does not sound as if she is eggbound.
Are you sure that it is an egg that you are feeling? It is not unusual for a hen to stop laying or to lay sporadically this time of year. Day length has a far greater impact on egg laying than temperature does.
It feels just like an egg. Its the same shape and size as her eggs. After gently rubbing around the egg I felt it move into the oviduct. What else would it be?
Is she pooping OK?
Does her vent look normal?
Have you tried gently inserting a lubed, gloved finger up to feel egg?

Lack of calcium can reduce the contractions needed to move an egg along and out.
Might want to do a search on egg binding and see if you can find a clue to what's what.
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Today it feels like there is at least 3 eggs in her abdomen and she is not acting normal anymore. There is a bad smelling liquid coming from her vent. Any advice would help.
Today it feels like there is at least 3 eggs in her abdomen and she is not acting normal anymore. There is a bad smelling liquid coming from her vent. Any advice would help.

Look up egg binding, soak in warm water is usually the first thing suggested....
.....and I will ask to have this thread moved to the emergencies forum.

Adding some info about what you are feeding would be helpful, as could your climate/location.
if you believe she is egg bound giving her Human calcium can help her lay. What I've done in the past is purchase injectable calcium from my farm supply and give 1/4 cc. in the breast by injection. This along with a warm relaxing bath and perhaps a bit of clean lubricant can help her a lot. if your not comfortable giving the injection of calcium you can give 1/4 of a human calcium pill. There is something In the calcium that helps trigger them to lay. I do hope this helps and hope she gets better soon! Best wishes.
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