Is she only half broody?


Feb 29, 2016
Is that even a thing?
I have a Rhode Island Red that keeps going back to the nesting box for a good part of the day, but not all day, and she sleeps on the roost. I want the eggs back, but I'm unsure if they are ok.
What is she doing? Should I just take all the eggs, the other hens are laying all over the coop now because won't let them in the box.
Yes there is such a thing. Some hens practice being broody but are not reliably broody. Some start out half broody before settling in.
You can 'break' a hen from being broody, it usually involves putting her in a wire bottom cage for 3-5 days. See forums on broody hens, how to break a broody hen, etc. Type your question into the search bar and there is a wealth of info available.
Good luck!
PS. I would guess the eggs are not okay, (do you mean to eat) how long has it been?
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At first the eggs were warm when we'd go out to collect them, so we'd leave them. Now she runs around with the rest of the flock, I'd say about 2 weeks. I will toss them today!

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