Is shipping harder on large eggs,?

Sweden chick

In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2024
I have had 6 batches of eggs shipped to me, JG, brahma and Amrock. The JG eggs are frequently just scrambled:( and seem to have a harder time in the mail system. They're in transit for 6 days.
Is this something typical for JG or any large egg like ducks for instance?
Apart from that sellers often overrate their packing abilities though i give them feedback on batches that have been delivered in one piece
I dont think so..
The shell hardness and packing skill would determine this
I once recieved perfectly good eggs shipped well padded in a box with eggs in egg cartons.
The folks who ship and sell eggs in your grocery store have designed these cartons to protect their product.
Another dozen I recieved the seller wrapped each egg in bubble wrap and stacked them in a box, so if course all the eggs at the bottom were crushed from the weight, and the box got overended during the trip so the egg goo got all over the unbroken eggs.
A total loss.

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