is smoking near chickens bad

I wouldn't smoke in your car either PurpleChicken, not that I believe that my second hand smoke would hurt you, it's simply a respect issue.

I'm a guy, was a single parent from the time my son was 3 1/2 until he went out on his own at about 19.
When I raised him I made it clear if I ever caught him smoking that he and I would have a knock down drag out.
I told him it was the ONLY thing he could do that we would have to come to blows over.
That's how much I dislike MY addiction to cigarettes and how badly I wanted him to NEVER start because of peer pressure saying it's cool or it's what you have to do to be a man.

He was given the choice, if he wanted to smoke, he had to whip dads butt.
He's 27 now, and doesn't smoke and I'm pleased, but if he decides to take up the habit, then it's his choice because he's now a man, and can probably whip old dads butt any time he wants to anyway, after all, I'd get winded in round 1.

Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit, but so is over eating, racing stock cars, bungie jumping, or about anything else a person decides to do with their time, my whole problem with the arguments is those who are foolish enough to believe that by empowering the government to strip us of our rights that our quality of life will somehow be better.
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I would smoke in your car if you want me too, but wait I was told I cant come to CT, so I guess I wont

???what???? I missed something somewhere.....

Marlin, you are welcome to come to CT and smoke your corn cob pipe in my car.
Bring a banjo and I'll pull out a whiskey jug.

Wildsky, I believe they were made of fiberglass at some recent point. I can't
quote the source so I can be wrong. They don't seem to break down very easy.

I'm offended that none of you would honor my wishes and smoke in my car.
You are all inconsiderate smokers. I'm an ex smoker who likes the smell if cigarettes.
Your second hand smoke doesn't scare me in the least. I've taken a drag of
cigarettes and get that non-smokers queeziness now. (Thank God)

I'm very pleased to hear many of your kids don't smoke. Smoking does appear
to be a family habit. Most of my friends who smoked had parents who smoked.
My Dad, his Dad, & my Mom'm Mom all smoked. My dad quit in his thirties and was
a miserable bast*rd for a year. My Grandmother quit cold turkey when she heard
nicotiene was used in pesticides. She died at 67 from heart and stroke complications
all brought on by her obesity. She was a stick until she quit smoking. Had she kept
smoking she would have lived at least another 10 years (Ya bad logic but reality).
My grandfather died at 72 from heart disease. Cigarettes killed him.

Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done and had to do it 10 times
before I got it right. I only smoked for 10 years.
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I realize that nobody cares about my story, but here it is anyway:

DH and I have never smoked and when our children were young we made it clear how we felt about smoking. Nevertheless, 2 out of 3 of our kids started smoking when they were 12 or 13. One died when he was 27 and the other is 25 and every morning when she gets up it sounds like she's coughing up her lungs. When she gets a cold it almost always turns into bronchitis. She's married to a smoker and their 3 children have more than their share of colds and earaches every winter. Their clean hair smells so bad when they come to my house that I have to hold my breath when I hug and love on them.

My father died of lung cancer when I was 10. On his deathbed, he made me promise that I would never smoke and made my 2 sisters promise that they would quit smoking. One of them quit and the other didn't. She still does and has been for 50 years. She has terminal lung cancer that metastisized to her brain and breasts. She isn't expected to live more than another 4 months and this is after 2 rounds of chemo and radiation. She also has coronary disease and has had both carotids cleaned out. This was a couple of years before the cancer. She's 68 years old and looks like she's 80.

Of the 4 children of my non-smoking sister, the 3 that she had before she quit smoking are all smokers. The one she adopted after has never smoked. Of the 3 children of my smoking sister, 2 smoke (one at 11 years old). The one who doesn't smoke has asthma and has since he was a baby. He had 2 parents who smoked and almost died several times from asthma attacks. Pretty scary stuff.

You can take this however you wish, but now you know why I hate cigarettes.
Good point. :| Their beaks would be all stained too. Yuck.

That's funny
10 chickens x pack a day ( 4.50 a pack here)
You think feeds expensive, how's $16,425.00 a year for 10 smokin chickens.
PC, Will you please use your considerable photoshop talents and make us a white rooster, with a ciggy hanging from his beak, and a stained beak and head feathers.
You know, like the older gray haired people get that streak up the middle where it's stained from the smoke.

Also, I would smoke in your car anytime. Ciggy, pipe, stogie, your choice.
I'm so sorry for your losses BearSwamp. I've lost family members to smoking related illnesses too. I've never smoked because my mother did. Her dirty ash tray lying around disgusted me so much when I was a kid that I decided never to take it up. I have a number of friends who are very considerate smokers. I actually have no friends who smoke who are inconsiderate about it. I never ask them not to smoke around me but they never do. I don't think I'm judgemental about it, though I've had people assume that I am if I share that I've never smoked.
Not sure where this post is going so I'll just stop...
You my friend have every reason, and every right to hate cigarettes. I'm not even sure
what to say other than if my child ever starts smoking I'm going to make him read this.

We DO CARE about your story and appreciate the way in which you told it.
Thank You for sharing this.


Sybil, are you reading???
I lost my mom indirectly to smoking...(of her parents) my grandfather died from cancer (smoking) and I'm not sure what cancer killed my grandmother, ut she was a smoker too! I smoked for about 5 years, starting at about 13...I regret every moment of it!

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