Is straw a no-no?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 28, 2008
I notice in the pictures here that most people use wood shavings in their coops. I have been using straw for a year and a half without problems. Is there a reason I shouldn't be using it? Just curious. :|
It is easier for bugs. Also, I THINK it can irritate them, NOT sure. I just use shavings because a 7 dollar bag lasts me a month
We use shavings for the coop, yes, but inside the nest boxes are straw, and in the run is straw (in fall we add leaves they LOOOVE scratchig aroud in leaves). Put a bale of hay in a run and semi-detatch the flakes. Sit, wait, and have fun.
OK sounds like I'm not endangering them or anything.

I bought a $5 straw bale last winter and we're still chipping away at it. It seems to absorb odor really well - we never have any smells or flies. But then, I only have 4 chickens, and they mostly do their pooping in the yard (and on the patio furniture
good pine shavings are easier to clean (unless your straw is chopped), are more absorbant, less messy to transport and store, and less apt to mold.

good straw composts slightly faster and some folks can get it cheaper.

both seem to be perfectly respectible options

Never heard of straw that high. We get small bales for $1.50 and big round ones for $10 max. Lotta cash cropping going on here so straw is cheap.
Chickens love the "fallout" from horse hay as well. Its mostly alfalfa leaves.

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