Is that what moult looks like?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I know that several of my buff and dark brahmas are moulting as evidenced by the amount of black and buff colored feathers in the coop. The only evidence on the chickens themselves is that several of them have little cotton balls of fluff sticking out between their feathers. Tabitha here is the exception. She looks pretty rough. I am assuming that she's just going thru a harder moult than the others, but wanted to check with the experts to be sure. I've never seen her be picked on by the others, so I don't think that's the case although it's possible since I can't watch them 24/7. What do you think? (Yes speckledhen, I apologized to her for taking pictures of her in moult). The pic of Thor is included only because he insists on everyone seeing just how handsome he is. He follows me around whenever I have a camera in my hands.



Actually a hard molt makes the bird look like it was plucked alive! I would call yours a gentle molt compared to how they become in the older years.

Okie dokie. Just wanted to confirm it was a moult. None of my light brahmas are moulting. Maybe they think they're too special to moult.
Why, whatever do you mean speckled? My SO moulted a long time ago, all on his head. Still waiting for his new feathers to grow back. Sure is taking a long time.

I'll send you my Light Brahma girls that are in a terrible molt!! Then there is the henhouse that looks like someone had pillow fights!!!

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