Is there a difference in different brands of scratch?


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
Now that the temps. are getting cooler, I am thinking about getting some scratch for the chickens. My problem is, I don't know what kind to get! Is there really a difference in the different brands that are available? I've seen what the Purina scratch looks like, but haven't ever seen any others. Are there brands that are better than other brands for the chickens? I realize scratch is basically chicken junk food, I just want to make sure I know what I'm buying. Thanks!
Purina is mostly corn. I get a 5 grain or an 11 grain (13% protein all by itself). They have almost no corn in them. Great products. One is from Southern States and one is from Faithway Feeds. I could almost feed the 11 grain as their main feed.
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Great! Thanks Cyn! I am going to Southern States tomorrow to get some then. I was really puzzled about the popcorn kernels that are in the Purina scratch. I guess it's okay, but I would've never thought to feed the chickens popcorn kernels.
That is one of the big reasons I asked and I guess I should have just PM'd you in the first place about it. I did give that a thought, but I know I PM you all of the time with silly 'ole questions. Thanks for answering anyways!
I think "scratch" must be highly, highly variable - even when sold by one company.

I was a little surprised when one person responded to the question, "what is scratch," by saying that it is corn. Just corn?

The Purina scratch I buy is maybe 50% corn at most. There's no popcorn that I can see - the corn is cracked. In fact, mostly it appears to be feed barley.

I guess we've got to just remember that they aren't really promising us much when they sell us "scratch."

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Whatever brand I bought is about 98 percent corn! I feel like I now have to supplement with something. I did throw in some oatmeal flakes I had.

I'll have to go back to the store and buy some more things to mix in with it.
It's like making my own brand I guess!

Popcorn kernals seems so big and hard?

Any other suggestions on what to buy to supplement it?
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My girls are very fond of wheat and black oil sunflower so I use those items and some cracked corn as my scratch mix. I plan to add some oats to my next mix too. I have seen that barley is the least favored grain for my flock, and I read that it was hard for them to digest, so I don't use it anymore.
I was curious so I took a look at the bag of scratch I just bought from TSC. It says it's 4-grain but it doesn't list what grains are in it. I don't know if "Producer's Pride" is really Purina under the label, like their 2nd level of feed or what. A Google search didn't shed much light on it either. ?

It's interesting that you should add that, because I went ahead and bought a bag of the Purina Scratch mix when I picked up feed yesterday. Last night after it had cooled down, I threw some out to the chickens. They went wild over the cracked corn, of course, and the other few grains that were in the mix but they left all the barley behind. I think I will make my own mix next time also. It will probably be less expensive than the 50# bag of the Purina Scratch I bought and I know they will eat all that I throw in for them.
Try going to you local grainery/feed mill. You will get a locally made scratch, and it will be much cheaper to buy.
Unfortunately we don't have a grainery/feed mill here locally, so that's not an option. I sure wish it was though!

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