Is there any bug chickens WON'T eat?

Robin'sBrood :

Those (known around here as ladybugs) aren't pests, they're very beneficial since they feast on aphids. If you don't want yours you can send them all to my house!

There is a differnce between what most call ladybugs and asian lady beetles which we've seen as a major infestation over just the last few years in Illinois. Asian lady beetles bite and smell extremely nasty when killed. Either way the chickens don't seem to notice a difference as they gladly eat them. I haven't seen a bug yet they wouldn't eat, even large spiders. It's amazing to me.​
I have one pullet that begins hunting as soon as she's out. The rest of the pullets are milling around down by the coop but she comes up and starts hunting in our shrubs and flowers. Her nickname has been changed to Bugs, she's so intense. Tonight she managed to snag a baby toad, and swallowed the thing whole!
I think it is funny that so many say that their chickens don't like ants. Our 8 week old Silkies go CRAZY for them!! I hope they continue liking them as they get older! There are plenty of ants outside for them to feast on!
My chickens are wierd I guess:

Loves: moths, ants, carpender ants, pill bugs, spiders of all kinds, chopped up Tomatoe Horn worms, small green catapillars, June bugs, flies, mosquitoes, and pretty much anything they can scratch up, though I am trying to discourage them from eating hop toads.

Won't touch: earthworms, snakes, the really big grasshoppers that start out as a small black with yellow or orange stripe, hairy catapillars, and anything really new has to be encouraged greatly before they will even try it. In fact, my ee won't eat anything until she sees one of the other hens try it first, including their daily feed
we just recently moved and found that there are bed bugs! in the yard and are now making there way into the house to feast on my hubby and little 1 year old mostly. so my question is will my chickens eat bed bug? they have done good so far on the many slugs, snails and centipedes that live in our hawaii jungle climate yard! but i am going to spread DE all in the yard when i get a chance to drive to 50 something miles to the feed store to get some! hopefully tomorrow:rolleyes: but will the chickens help to keep them out once they are mostly gone?? if some come back into the yard, will they eat them? please help i am crazy with bugs right now!!!! not only are there the bed bugs in the yard but my chickens now have mites also, so that is something else i am dealing with!
Robin'sBrood :

Those (known around here as ladybugs) aren't pests, they're very beneficial since they feast on aphids. If you don't want yours you can send them all to my house!

I live in the foothills of NC and the lady bugs take over in the Winter. You are WELCOME to all mine. We have to keep everything covered in the house (food) because they will fly into food and drinks. I HATE THEM.​

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