Is there signs that a hen is ready to lay?

how can you tell when ready to have an egg
Three signs I have found to be pretty good predictors of impending eggs are squatting, singing the egg song and reddening of the waddles and comb.
My chickens are about 20 weeks old they have red combs and red waddles..they have a wonderful cop my husband built for them and they love it..My question is if they are out all day until dark and they automatically go back in once the sun starts to go down are they going to lay out side instead of in their nesting boxes? Should I be keeping them inside more often or longer before I let them out?
From what I have read , when they are ready they will lay where ever they like. Hopefully it will be in their nest box!! Mine are only 14 weeks, I cant wait to get my first egg. In a couple weeks I plan on keeping them in their run so they will use their nest boxes. Hopefully, that's the plan.
My leghorns are about 5 months old, but their wattles and comb are not really developed. Am I doing something wrong? they're on grower/finisher, along with crack corn, scratch, and table scraps, plus greens and grit. No mites or lice that I can see, no signs of any ill health, they're very happy, and are singing the song, checking out the nest box, but not laying. :(
My leghorns are about 5 months old, but their wattles and comb are not really developed. Am I doing something wrong? they're on grower/finisher, along with crack corn, scratch, and table scraps, plus greens and grit. No mites or lice that I can see, no signs of any ill health, they're very happy, and are singing the song, checking out the nest box, but not laying. :(
I think mine are younger and I think there's developed rather quick. These are my first too so I'm learning but this is what they look like. 3 of 5 have comb and wattle.

Clara the 3rd oldest

Amelia, the 2nd oldest

Fiona, the oldest!
I'm happy to announce that my leghorns are laying beautiful large white eggs :) I'm a bit confused though, because I am also getting small brown eggs, they may be coming from my 3.5 month old black giants, but I'm not sure. It's possible that there are some white rocks mixed in, but do the white rocks lay small brown eggs???
I've taken a closer look at my birds, seems they're a mix of chantclairs, leghorns, and white rocks. I've been getting large white, large brown, and small dark brown eggs.
Now onto my other problem... The hatchery told me my black birds are black giants. Looking at them, though, their skin is not yellow but pink. They're not full grown, only about 4-5 months old. Should I trust the hatchery, or did they give me the wrong breed?????
I used the drawers out of an old plastic 3 drawer organizer. There are 3 different depths but the girls don't seem to mind. Put a golf ball in each one but they all insist on laying in the deepest drawer. :)
Would pine shavings work?
I only use pine shavings in my coop and nest boxes. It smells great and lasts for about a week before I have to change it.

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