Is there something wrong with her?

I honestly don't buy hatchery RIR's or production reds anymore, I've lost too many to reproductive issues. Cancers and salpingitis mostly. I have one left, and she will likely be my last, she'll be 4 this summer. I don't plan on getting any more sex links, either black or red either, (under all the various names they go by) for the same reason. Right now I've got a lot of barnyard mixes that I've hatched here, they have been more hardy, and my EE's have been pretty healthy over all. My oldest bird, so far, was a suspected Wellsummer mix (came in a batch of australorps-definitely was NOT an australorp) who lived to be 9 years old. I've got a light brahma now that will be 9 this year along with a barred rock who will also be 9. I've got 2 gold laced wyandottes (one hen, one roo), and 2 EE's that are going on 6 years this summer, all still laying. It's really hard to predict. I try to hatch from those that are healthiest obviously and whenever possible from my older birds (trying to pass on the longetivity). I've gotten a lot pickier about what I will buy. I got some speckled sussex last year. Lost one at 15 weeks with pendulous/impacted crop. They are dingbats!
I've got 2 Barred rocks and they are very hardy compared to the RIR's.

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