Is there such a thing as Narcoleptic Chick?


11 Years
Jan 1, 2009
I'm the proud new mama of 1 black and 1 blue Cochin chicks. My question is this though: The blue chick seems extra - I mean EXTRA sleepy and will occasionally catch itself dozing off while getting a drink (no drowning so far fingers crossed) - and falling asleep while eating... falling asleep in mid sentence : "cheep cheep cheep cheep ch...zzzzzzzz"
I know sleepy cheepys are normal, but compared to last year's Silkies and the current room mate the black cochin chick - who seems to have ADHD in comparison to the blue... I'm just wondering if this one is a little abnormal or is it natural variation?
I had a few that would do this.. Reminded me of when my youngest Ds would be
zipping thru the house talking a mile a minute and then just DROP
... LOL .. I think its a normal baby thing.. If its eating drinking and pooping it should be OK
First time I hatched was 3 weeks ago! All 34 JG's did the same thing. I was so worried! They would be in mid step and just stretch all the way down to the ground and sleep. SO FUNNy!!! But stil was worried. They are all fine!!!! No problems! and now I have 36 B/B/S JG's hatched and 10 more in bator. they lockdown on the 4th. plus 6 RIR. chick for DM in-law. They are so Funny. they are doing the chest bumps now. Also trying to fly. Guess its time to put the top on the brooder. LOL No worries all is good. They just sleep alot!!! Have fun and enjoy!

Good Luck and God Bless!

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