Is this a boy or a girl?!?!?!? *edit with results*

Okay, so, I was really aiming toward hen, but then yesterday, I discovered that she is either a lesbian or a rooster.

I had the "mixed flock" (3 BOs, 2 EEs, 1 SLW) out free-ranging like usual, and while I had the coop opened to collect eggs from the Leghorns, one of the hens escaped. She made her way over to the other flock, and instantly BOTH roosters (this one pictured, and my BO rooster, Sunny) started mating with her. They didn't waste a single second. Poor girl was scared to death, then she ran over the wrong way to the goat pasture and the Pyrenees tried getting to her (not to harm her) so she just laid down in the corner and prayed for the best. I picked her up and put her back in her pen, and all was well again.

So anyhow, I guess "she" is a really a "he" after all. Now I have 2 BO roosters.... hmmm... anyone want one??

Oh yeah, and neither of the BO roos have started to crow. But they're mating already?? I think they are 17 weeks old now.
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That doesn't mean roo. I have an EE that is not top hen, never will be as long as Fin is alive, but she is the roos fave and she will jump in for her turn as soon as he is done or with Fin while he is going at it. Of course if it is Fin, Fin will calmly wait for it to be done and then after jump up and beat the snot out of the EE Sami.
I still go with ROO!
I think it is a female. And yes, females will try to exert dominance by mounting other hens, especially if she thought there had been a new bird introducted to the flock. Get right to the point of the matter.

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