Is this a brown leghorn?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015
When my chicks came 5 weeks ago I had 6 little chipmunk marked ones 1 ended up with a legbar and 3 were the Welsummers I ordered plus an extra but this one looks totally different and is very shy compared to the wellies and when I pick it up it makes the weirdest screeching could it be a brown leghorn?
Does it have yellow legs and a straight comb? If so, could be a Leghorn. I'm not sure what age those nice white earlobes become apparent, but that will be your confirmation, that and eventually white eggs.
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She does have a straight comb and yellow feet, I know I should just be patient for the earlobes but I would love to know. She is a bit bigger then my exchequer leghorns which makes me wonder if she isnt, but she is sure different then the Wellies I know that for sure.
she could be a brown leghorn but I think she might be a cross breed with brown leghorn in it
do not worry about screeching chicks do that when they get scared
I thinking my girl is a brown leghorn. Her comb was very stiff in her younger years. She is three now and it relaxes to one side a little now. It's lovely & pointed. She lays porcelain pinkish white eggs BUT her legs are white.
I have photo's but no place on this page where I can load them.
I thinking my girl is a brown leghorn. Her comb was very stiff in her younger years. She is three now and it relaxes to one side a little now. It's lovely & pointed. She lays porcelain pinkish white eggs BUT her legs are white.
I have photo's but no place on this page where I can load them.

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