Is this a cuckoo silkie?

Check out his spurs. On a youngster they will be not much more than buds. By the time he is two he will have longer spurs (unless removed). On a year-old bird they might be as much as a 1/2" long. Also, younger birds tend to be leaner--they fill out as they mature. I would say that a lot (not all) silkie males don't reach full maturity until they are close to 3 years.
his comb is too red, if you have birds with dark mulberry or purple comb and wattles. red combs are not good. also, do your birds have nice blue earlobes? You want blue earlobes, and mixing red combed birds in will only dilute the good ones.
I think this guy is pet quality color, he is pretty typey but as far as breeding anything with quality I doubt it. Now, if you want to breed then for just pets, he will be just fine. he is cute.......
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Thanks! Well, I'm not getting him. I was setting it up with the wife and the husband gave him away while she was at work. Guess they got they're wires crossed. But thanks for the lesson. I am new to breeding and not sure of the quality of birds I have yet. I am going to get some eggs this spring to hatch out some better birds. Now I know what else to look for so thanks.
very good breed of silkie how old is it no it doesn't have a oppisate gender to breed with but it is exellant quality and with a exellant quality of oppasite gender it could be awesome show chicks but isn't a cukoo silkie but very gorgeous

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