Is this a good size chicken "tractor?"


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
I found a 6' high x 6' wide x 10' long dog run on my local Craigslist for $50, that I'm thinking of turning into a chicken "tractor" for the 27 birds we have coming in June. Tell me whether this is a practical idea, please!

The run is made of regular metal fencing and metal pipes, so it could potentially be too heavy to move around the yard easily; though it does have pipes along the top & bottom, so doesn't have to be anchored into the ground.

Tell me, chicken experts, what modifications would I need to make to have this be a viable tractor? Is it big enough for 27 birds, if I move it every couple of days? Would I still need hawk netting and/or hard cloth around the bottom? It seems I could put some bars across one end for roosting, and hang a tarp (one is actually included with it) across one end for shade.

What else should I be considering? Thanks in advance!
Figure at the very least 2-3 ft of space for every adult chicken. So say 30 chickens times 2 (and thats tight) means you would need 60 square feet of room. If you dog pen is 6ft by 10 ft, times 6 by 10 and you get 60. So you should be in good shape, tho very tight if a big breed.
I dont know where you live but where I live whenever Ive used dog pens I ALWAY cover the top with chicken wire or deer netting and coons always seem to find a way in those or reach thru and take a chickens head off, to I would do the bottoms as well or put chicken wire around the bottom half and the floor as well.
PS if you are going to put your pullets and cockerals in it out of the brooder, you absolutely MUST line it with chicken wire/hardwear cloth etc...they will scoot right thru chain link! (even when they look too big to scoot, they will scoot.
If there is a hole...they will find it!
Here's a link to the craigslist post (broken, just take out the spaces) /bmw/for/1696588344.html

So you can put wire across the bottom of a chicken run, and it doesn't impede their scratching? I was already planning to put hardcloth or something similar around the sides, to impede raccoons, our next door neighbor had chickens until recently, and she said her biggest problems were with a local raccoon, which she eventually trapped (but her coop and run are VERY run-down, and not at all predator deterrent!)
6x10 comes out to 60 sq. ft. I favor at least five square feet per large fowl (dual purpose breeds), but could squeeze by with just four if they're calm in temperament and the tractor is moved at least daily, preferably twice a day.

Unfortunately 60sq ft for 27 birds is only about 2.2 sq. ft. per bird so you'll need about two of those pens for what you've got. And I suspect it's going to be too heavy to easily move by the time you get the roosts, nest boxes, and necessary extra wire and components added in. As a stationary coop with an additional run attached it has possibilities.

My tractors hold ten to twelve birds per and are at about the limit for being able to move them without resorting to motorized assistance.


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