Is this a pullet or a cockerel?


May 19, 2022
Do you think this chick looks like a cockerel or a pullet?


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Do you think this chick looks like a cockerel or a pullet?

With a comb that large and that brightly colored before it has even finished growing feathers on the head, I think that is probably a cockerel.

But I would wait a while longer to be sure. Gender differences usually become much more obvious as they get older.
Leghorn about 4 weeks old?
I think it might be a little too soon to tell. Leghorns pullets have large combs early on. In your opinion, is there ANY pink in that comb at all? The comb looks large like a cockerel's but lacking color like a pullet's.

Here's my cockerel at about 4 weeks:
With a comb that large and that brightly colored before it has even finished growing feathers on the head, I think that is probably a cockerel.

But I would wait a while longer to be sure. Gender differences usually become much more obvious as they get older.
I think it might be a little too soon to tell. Leghorns pullets have large combs early on. In your opinion, is there ANY pink in that comb at all? The comb looks large like a cockerel's but lacking color like a pullet's.

Here's my cockerel at about 4 weeks:
View attachment 3179976
It is a pale pink color

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