Is this a Welsummer in the video?


Jan 19, 2024
Hello, I have a Welsummer chicken who looks like the one in this video (she is featured in my profile picture), and who is the same age, and who has been exhibiting the same backward kicking behavior as this one for over a month. I am wondering whether this is a behavior the Welsummers exhibit? I wish I could figure out what causes it, the backwards kicking. The video poster never returned to this forum to tell us what became of this chicken. Has anyone else ever seen this behavior in Welsummers, and what do you think it could indicate? A neurological problem, perhaps. She does not have bumblefoot nor scaly leg mites, nor lice. I am totally stumped. No seeming injury of any kind? I'm wondering about tumors pressing on something? I am quite worried about her.

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My girl has been doing this constantly for some time now but there doesn't seem to be irritation on either foot. I wonder whether it could be arthritis, as she's older (5). First she shakes one foot backwards, and then she shakes the other foot backwards, just like in this video:
My girl has been doing this constantly for some time now but there doesn't seem to be irritation on either foot. I wonder whether it could be arthritis, as she's older (5). First she shakes one foot backwards, and then she shakes the other foot backwards, just like in this video:
Nothing around her vent or anywhere near the back end? I used to work on sheep properties and if I saw a sheep do something weird like that I'd check its bum for fly strike. Not saying that is what is wrong but it could be similar area but not it's feet.
I don’t know what is wrong with her but yes that is a Welsummer and no, that is not common Welsummer behavior. (I’ve had quite a few over the years without that issue.)
Nothing around her vent or anywhere near the back end? I used to work on sheep properties and if I saw a sheep do something weird like that I'd check its bum for fly strike. Not saying that is what is wrong but it could be similar area but not it's feet.
Thanks for the info, Camimo77. Interesting. I am going to look more closely for lice on her behind, as one woman suggested that. To have gotten fly strike, she would have needed to have had an open wound; right? For the flies to lay their eggs in? Or do they lay them anywhere? Are Welsummer breeds more susceptible to fly strike? I have 4 other unaffected chickens of other breeds with her. I have seen mice in the run. One mouse drowned in their watering dish this winter. Could they carry something she could have caught, do you think?
Thanks for the info, Camimo77. Interesting. I am going to look more closely for lice on her behind, as one woman suggested that. To have gotten fly strike, she would have needed to have had an open wound; right? For the flies to lay their eggs in? Or do they lay them anywhere? Are Welsummer breeds more susceptible to fly strike? I have 4 other unaffected chickens of other breeds with her. I have seen mice in the run. One mouse drowned in their watering dish this winter. Could they carry something she could have caught, do you think?
I'm still fairly new to chickens so I don't know a lot but I spent the first 26yrs of my life on farms and especially working with livestock. I'm not saying it is fly strike but just saying to check the whole animal and not just the obvious place. I was just using fly strike as an example. I'd think if the mice were carrying anything then all your chooks would be sick. If there's nothing obvious on her and she starts to deteriorate I'd take her to an avian vet.
I just got a little good news. I was able to find the owner of the chicken in the video online, and she wrote back to me: "Hi there. That’s me! Unfortunately I can’t shed any light as to the cause. I did trim her spurs as some suggested, and it made no difference. She is now elderly (outlived her 2 sisters- a surprise to me) and she still kicks when she walks. If you ever get any answers, please come back and update me!"

So maybe it's just a nervous tic or something? Fingers crossed!

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