Is this an Old English Bantam or OEB mix?


5 Years
Sep 6, 2016
Hi all, Looking for some help with this bantam. She seems most reasonably an OEB pullet with blueish gray legs. What do you think?

Thanks so much for the help!

Hmmm, can you tell what kind of comb she has? It look slike a single, but it's hard to tell.
How big is she? Is she friendly, or skittish? Easy to handle, or crazy? It looks like she's a mutt.
It has been really difficult to tell what sort of comb...the area where a comb will form is very wide and had a lot of little bumps for quite a few weeks until one little triangle formed in the back. Just one...LOL! The comb area is a little pink now but not much comb formation and no wattles....I'm hoping that at 8 weeks and little to no comb/wattle formation, I can feel comfortable that she is a girl?? She feathered out very quickly with the feathers reaching all the way beyond her tail. Her eyes are quite round but each lower lid sags ever so slightly which gives her an almost sad expression. I just love this chicken...she is so incredibly friendly, content to sit in my lap and be petted. VERY vocal...very loud, especially when I leave the brooder area. She has been taking short flights...always to my shoulder since 6 weeks old. She is in the brooder with a mottled cochin roo (I'm pretty sure) and a Speckled Sussex. She and the roo play quite rambunctiously. So she is both easy to handle and high energy. I think she is a darling mutt! Some info. I've read say that OEB can have a variety of leg colors while others say just white??
She's cute! It looks like a single comb, but either way she's a cute mutt! Good luck with her!
Well, I could very well be wrong, but with the red on the shoulders and with tthat last view of the comb, I am leaning toward cockerel.
Thanks for weighing in...Gosh I hope she's not a roo. I have scoured every website, blog, etc. and was a bit concerned about the darker color too....I chickensat my neighbors fawn colored OEB chick when she was young and swore up and down she was a roo...but I was wrong. It's so interesting how slowly my chick is developing a comb but feathered so quickly. I imagine all will become much more clear in the next month.
Buff Sebright...hmmm, that would be cool. The feed store had them so that is a possibility. I see the little bit of lacing that is developing....I thought they were rather rare, but then again as a hatchery bird who knows what all is in her. She is 8 weeks old this week. Thanks is really fun to hear what others think! I'll let you know how it turns out!!
Hope she is a she - she is darling. Seems tho, like the most outgoing ones tend to be cockerels. I never heard of buff sebrights
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