is this chick a little roo?


11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
This is a silly question, but I'm new to chickens.
My chicks are 5 weeks old. Tonight one of them (buff orp) stood on top of the feeder and kept opening her mouth wide, like she was yawning. Not a sound came out though. This happened several times.
All the chicks are *supposed* to be hens, but...well, you know.
It's comb isn't any bigger or a different color than the others.
Is this just usual chick behavior or do I have a little rooster?
(It's embarrassing how much I like these little birds!)
It was probably doing just that, yawning. I was really embarrased at a show last year when I asked a guy if his rooster actually had a silent crow. It kept stretching it's neck out and opeing it mouth but was not making a sound. The guy looked at me and said, "No, he's yawning."
I bought the pair and he did indeed have quite the little voice on him!


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