Is This Egg Fertile?


12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
near ottawa ontario
I was making muffins today and i always open my eggs in a bowl before i put them in the matter because of different reasons. Anyway i have notice this egg it looks to me as if it is fertile. But i bought my dozen of eggs from no frills which is a large grocery store. I thought that you couldnt buy fertile from any store unless it is farm raise and it says so. I also made cookies after the muffins today.It called for 2 eggs. The other two are the same way. what are your thoughts on this.?
I agree, Not fertile.
You know, before we got chickens (8 months ago:D) I never noticed that little white dot on store bought eggs. It wasn't until I read about the bulls eye and I looked really close at a store bought. However there are some eggs that it is harder to tell it on.
I agree. Does not look fertile to me.

It is possible to get fertile eggs from commercial operations. Some commercial operations have breeder flocks as well as laying flocks. If the operator does not need all his breeding eggs for hatching on that particular day, those excess eggs can be sold. Granted, the percentage is not high, but can easily happen.

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