Is this leg mites

Hi to All
Today I did the Epson salt soak and applied the Nu Stock and then returned my hen Betsy to the yard. Now her feet/legs are covered with a thick layer of dirt. Also the consistency resembled a thick salve rather than a lotion. Should I resoak and repeat tomorrow?
Hi to All
Today I did the Epson salt soak and applied the Nu Stock and then returned my hen Betsy to the yard. Now her feet/legs are covered with a thick layer of dirt. Also the consistency resembled a thick salve rather than a lotion. Should I resoak and repeat tomorrow?
Anyone with a reply?
I basically have this same question??? —

I have a hen whom I noticed didn’t wanna go to her usual roosting spot. I checked her over, and found her feet had symptoms of scaly leg mites, so I’m treating her with Nu-stock tonight. I figured that would be best so that she’s not running around rubbing the ointment off or getting everything in the chicken yard stuck to her feet due to the wetness/stickiness of the salve. —

I Wonder… Would it be smart to put the ointment on, then apply a wrap with vet tape to keep it clean during the day, to let it soak in real good, etc…


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