Is this normal flaking chicken heads under feathers?

Cackling Hen

Just Scratching Around
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Port Angeles Wa
My chicks are 5 weeks old I notice today that there heads are flaky looks like a childs craddle crap Its white and on there head and down there necks under there feather. WHAT IS IT????
Can you post a picture? Are you sure it isn't just the chick losing its down.
I cant get a good enough picture
Almost looks like a pecking spot but some other chicks have it also hmmmm Thanks for the reply

i got a picture not a good enough one though
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The quills to the feathers coming up will shed little white pieces that look like dandruff. I would expect that is what it is. Chickens skin peels and flakes like everything elses does, especially when new feathers come in.
Mine are white and red but at that age they looked pretty scruffy, lots of spots that were getting bare as the feathers were coming in. Unless you see blood it probably is that and not pecking. If they are acting normal I don't think I would worry about it. If someone else with more experience wants to chime in feel free!
Oh thank you that is exactly what it looks like skin peeling and flaking looks just like dandruff I feel much better Thanks again

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