Is this normal or does my hen just really "like" me?

Wow, I never thought about that. My lead hen does that to me but I never gave it too much thought. Finally somebody in my life thinks I am worth a "curtsy".
I've never had chickens before so this is a new experience for me. My hen is about 5 1/2 months old and I absolutely adore her. She has become my pet. My husband cannot believe I made a pet out of a chicken. She waits for me to come home. She pecks on my slider door to come in. She eats from my hands, follows me all over the house. I never knew chickens could be so people friendly. Every day she does something new that makes me smile. My husband recently started 2nd shift so she is good company in the evenings for me. When she started squatting for me when I approached her I just thought she was getting ready for me to pick her up because I like to hold her a lot, I didn't even realize what she was doing until her first egg this week. I hope that when I move to the country that I can have more hens, right now just the one. She seems content to be the only one around me even chases others away if they come up to me. I turn on You Tube for her to let her listen to other hens, she loves to watch them on the computer and will peck at the screen every once in a while and often she cackles back at them. I would have to say that she is the best pet that I have had and the easiest to care for.
One of my hens does this for me - granted i dont have a rooster at the moment - so yes she does that same thing and almost bows to me - flirtation at its best!
Chickiesmom... I've had a few of my girls peck on my screen door too, but I've never wanted chicken poops all over the house! Do you diaper your hen?

Mine have done the "chicken squat" since just before they began laying. It was a nice change from how skittish they were previously, even though they'd had many hours of holding and petting. Now they come up to me for petting, and flap up onto my lap if I'm sitting watching them on the stairs into the backyard.

Although my 12 hens are certainly pets, I'd only considered them to be outside animals. Their social group is the sisterhood of the waddling feathers. Perhaps your chicken would not be so eager to join you in the house if there were other chickens to flock with?
I've noticed that even my most non-squatting hens tend to be submissive just before or after laying an egg. It must be hormonal.
I too consider it an honor and very endearing.
I have a blue andalusian hen that did that. She likes to eat from my hand and when I go to collect eggs she likes to slide under my arms to see what I'm doing.
Try putting your hands under her wings and gently scratching her sides from front to back when she squats for you. My chickens LOVE that.

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