Is this normal Rooster behavior?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
Oregon coast
So my roo is 12 weeks, and so are his 6 girlfriends. I just noticed he is being more aggressive towards them like pecking them on thier head/neck area for what appears to be no reason, just when they are out in their run. The girls will squak and run away from him when he does this. No blood yet. Seems like it is happening more frequently. Prior to this he would just run up to them and stick out his neck feathers at them, which was harmless. Now i am more concerned. Is this just a way of him showing them who's boss?
He's just starting to get to that "sneak attack mating--OMG I AM A TOTAL HORNDOG" phase.

Keep an eye out, he should calm down, but just correct any overly-agressive behavior if you can.
Almost all of mine did that same thing. No worries! Even the one who (accidentally?) took a bite out of my BR's comb mellowed out (with the chickens, anyway) eventually.
Before too long he'll figure it out and they will probably put up with it grudgingly and then go on with their business.
This is just his way of telling them who's gonna want "some," soon. "Submit, my little feathered floozie - you are mine!" He'll start mounting them before too long.

Perfectly normal - BUT keep an eye on it, you don't want him being unduly rough with his girlfriends.
excellent use of alliteration.

ETA: hmm..."Feathered Floozie" as my new title?
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yeah, it's normal.... shouldn't be a problem until you end up with more chicks!
Completely normal! My rooster is a year old and is still doing that! Guess he is just a big kid! But yeah, like gryeyes said he will mount them befrore to long... just make sure that he doesn't get too rough and pull feathers out when he does.
It's normal if he is only 12 weeks old. It's not if this behaviour keep up when he is old (1 year and more). I had one who were vicious with some of the hens, only.He hated the "colloncas".(without tail hens). He is not longer with me, anymore.

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