Is This Normal??


12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
We have 18 girls that have been very happy and healthy since thet were chicks. At 23 weeks of age most of them are laying very well. One thing I have noticed with their behaviour is that most of them when I reach down to pick them up or pet them or want to move them out of the way to get from one place to the other they will sort of squat down and half spread out their wings as if in a defensive posture. Is this Normal? If I need to post a picture of this I can.

Ranch Members: 1 AQHA, 1 LaMancha Goat, 2 mixed Labs, 1 Junk Yard Dog (the baby of the family), 1 Black Mexican King Snake, 3 Red Stars, 3 EEs, 3NHRs, 3 Columbian Wyandottes, 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Buff Orps.
thats so you will mount them
That's weird seeing as we DO NOT and have NEVER had a rooster any where near them, other than a picture of a rooster hung by the entrance to the nesting box. A friend gave of us the picture after we told them we were raising chickens. He said it would promote egg production. I think it works pretty well. It's so very rewarding to witness natural behavior for the first time with animals that you are new to raising!!! Thank you for the info!!!
what i have noticed in this behavior with my hens is that they do this same motion when they are receptive to an approaching rooster. so i dont knowif maybe they are confused or what while in some type of "chicken heat".
I have four hens and no roosters, never have, and my hens will do that when the more dominant hen approaches in an aggressive way. I think they do it to show their subordenance to the more dominant being.

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