Is this RIR a hen or a roo?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 27, 2013
Southern California
We just got this two week old RIR to replace my 3.5 month old RIR that turned out to be a roo (we are in the process of re-homing him). I'm REALLY hoping this is a hen. In the last picture, the RIR is in the back and you can see how her tail sticks straight up - not sure if that means girl or boy (or neither). Please help.

It's too early to tell and they all get funny feathers when they are first feathering in.

Right now, there is nothing that indicates roo.

Roos will feather in much slower than hens and get a bigger redder comb sooner, usually by 4 or 5 weeks you'll see a pronounced difference in the comb size and redness. They don't get the tell tale tail feathers until 12 weeks or beyond, often not until 4 months depending upon the breed.

Post again in a couple of weeks.
Lady of McCamley
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Very ambiguous at the moment. The tail being upright doesn't specify gender, rather it usually specifies attitude. ;) The crest is also neither here nor there... Possibly looking more male than female though. It would help to see another of the same breed at the same age that's been kept on the same diet in the same environment from the same family... lol... And even that wouldn't guarantee anything. How helpful of me, I know.

I don't know if RIRs have that slower male feathering some breeds do. I breed mongrels and notice males usually feather slower than females, with the primaries or secondaries emerging before the other feathers rather than in one synchronized growth with all the wing feathers like a female tends to show.

Right now I'm only slightly more in favor of male over female. If you post again in another week or two or three it should be obvious. Sorry. Someone more expert with breeds may come along and answer your question.
Ya, way early to tell for sure, but I don't like to see a noticeable comb at that age, I am leaning slightly towards it being a roo.

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