Is this the start of a blood ring?

If you are unsure you can always leave it. As long as there is no smells or gunk seeping from the egg, it doesn't hurt anything. I had a duck egg that looked weird and dead but I left it in. It hatched and was tiny but was alive none the less.
Well if its moving around that is a good sign. You can see the baby move? Or do you only see it move when you move the egg while candling?
I set it still and give it a minute to make sure it’s not just moving from me handling it. It’s moving but it seems like it’s weak.
I’m on day 11-12 of incubating eggs. It’s my first time so I’m trying my hardest to make sure I’m doing everything correctly. I have one egg I’m concerned about. It has been very active whenever I candled it but this morning I took a peak and noticed something that kinda looks like the start of a blood ring. I’m not sure if it is or not so I figured I’d post it here. It’s only on one side. The chick isnt near as active as it was a few days ago but it is moving around. What do y’all think? I can see the blood vessels although my camera didn’t pick them upView attachment 2072253View attachment 2072265View attachment 2072286View attachment 2072315
By day 11 you should definitely see veining which I see none here.
i added a picture of the veining. It’s not a good picture but you can see something.

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