Is this the start of a drake curl?


Aug 27, 2020
I let my ducks out of their house this morning and noticed my Pekin's tail has a bit more curve to it than I am comfortable with. 😂 I never wanted unexpected babies so I'm concerned. Somebody please tell me this is not the beginning of a drake curl lol.


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Regretfully (and i am NO expert, having just my first flock of eight - now 7 - pekins, that looks a lot like the tail feathers on five - now 4 - of mine before they revealed themselves as drakes ). The last was a casualty to avian predation.

The curling feather coincided *roughly* with the occasional change in vocal calls of my females to a more respectable "quack", but their use of it was very uneven for many weeks. The boys never did it, however - so if he's loudly quacking in a way substantially and significantly different from the prior vocalizations when you chase him, you can rest a bit easier. If not...
Is the voice changing Drakes whisper . Hens quack louder . That does look like The start of a curl form what I can see in the photo. How old are they?

About 5 weeks. She (he?) still does the duckling peep, but I feel like it has been a bit on the raspy side recently.
I also noticed that my Black Swedish/Shetland (I've honestly been struggling to tell what breed she/he is) has a green spot on the head. I'm super concerned that I've ended up with two drakes and a duck, especially since my Rouen is my favorite and I would be devastated if she was killed by overbreeding.


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