Is this true about eggs consumption?

I spend a LOT of time reading about nutrition and for the most part nutrition science is the WORST possible 'science' going.

Good nutrition studies are very, very expensive, nearly impossible to do and therefore are extremely hard to come by. They almost never stand up to the Bradford Hill Criteria which is why you can find a study to support nearly every possible desired outcome (ever wonder why wine will kill you in one study and make you live longer in another - this is why)

BTW, smoking DOES stand up to the Bradford Hill Criteria which is how we can say pretty conclusively that it can cause cancer, not just that it is associated with it.

Many, many studies rely on food frequency questionnaires. Picture yourself answering this question "how many times have you eaten eggs (or broccoli, or spinach or beef) each month, for the last 12 years?"....umm hell if I know...yeah that is what they base a lot of studies on.

This article has a very particular anti-meat agenda. Dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood lipids and if you looked at the world health organization data it would show you that over populations higher cholesterol levels are concurrent with longer lives. The longest living woman lives(d) in Italy and eggs are all she eats -oh and cookies.

Eat your eggs. They are one of the worlds cheapest, most accessible forms of protein and nutrients.
No. In the 80's more then eating 2 eggs per week was bad for your cholesterol (from research in the 50's, but diet-fads mde it hip in the 80s). So eveyrone panicked and stopped. Newer research showed; it doesn't. In the research about unhealthy living; they actually did not an good job; and made an false conclusion on eggs somehow. Can't explain in English in scientific terms. The tested group was not okay; and the whole "what is cholestrol actually" was not really understood yet.

But no. Eggs are not bad. Most healthy long-living people eat absurd amount of eggs. 16 a day is not weird in some long-standing cultures. Most cultures have more then 2 eggs a week. They often include a daily meal.

Eggs are a healthy product. You just must not only eat them without a gallon of coke and 3 bags a chips and a side of french fries.
As an smoking addict, wanted to quit for loooong; reading a lot into it.. no silly! Offcourse 1 egg is not the same as 5 cigarettes! Eggs don't have those gazillion poisenous stuff in them like cigarettes do. And high cholesterol and smoking diceases don't even have anything to do with each other! Smoking does nothing with your cholestoral; just like eggs don't do nothing with your lungs!

What a silly piece of clickbait.

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