Isabel orphington rooster color question


In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2023
I have an English orphington roo who was sold to me as being “either lavender or Isabel”. His hackles wings and breast are lavender, his tail looks splash to me and he has and lots of yellow/buff coloring through his back and saddle. Is this yellow coloring just leakage, or does this coloring make him an Isabel? I believe one of the other roosters I got with him was a true cuckoo Isabel, but we only have room for one roo around here so I kept the one who I thought was a lavender, to breed with my lavender hens. Now that he is older I’m not so sure what to call his coloring. I’m wondering if he will throw lavender babies if he covers my lavender and bbs hens, or if I will get more reds/crele since he has the leakage.

My flock consists of bbs, lavender, crele, buff and chocolate hens. Some are English variety like my roo and some are the American style. Any insight on what color chicks we might see this spring would be awesome!


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I'm not very experienced, so I won't be much help, but whatever they are they will be cute! Also I'm thinking that the yellow spots on your rooster are color leakages.:confused:
He looks Lavender with leakage. The shadow in the photo makes it a little hard to be certain.
So, regular Lavender has a black base (it's a dilution gene).
Isabel is Lavender on a Wheaten base, or depending on the breed they may use partridge or something similar.

The location of your roos yellow coloring, in the upper saddle area but not the lower, and with some pattern in those feathers, along with the dark ticking on much of his body makes me think he has leakage rather than Isabel coloring.
Meaning he's carrying genes for other color(s) that are bleeding through.
Especially with the variety of hen colors it's hard to know what you're going to get. Try it and see!
* With Lav hens the offspring will be Lavender
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I think he's Splash with leakage, or possibly just sun bleaching if he's been out in the sun a lot. A Lavender shouldn't have those dark flecks at all. Do you have any more pictures of him, maybe a side profile shot?

If he is Splash as I suspect, then his offspring with the Lavender hens should be all Blue carrying a lavender gene, and yes, leakage is possible if he's leaky. Same result with Black hens, minus the carrying lavender part. Chocolate would also make Blues, where only the male offspring carry a chocolate gene. Blue hens would produce Blue and Splash with him, and Splash hens only Splash. Buff hens would produce Blues with heavy buff or gold leakage. Crele hens would produce sexlinks for you when bred to this male, blue barred male offspring and just blue female offspring, both with color leakage.
That bird is Splash. More pictures would make me 100% on it, but I'm 99.5% sure he's Splash. Doesn't appear to be Lavender at all. Breed him to a Black hen to test breed him. If you get Blue chicks, you'll know he's Splash.
My lavender ameraucana rooster kinda looks like that but he has sun bleaching on his saddles and hackles. Your guy has black spots I would say light blue splash.

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