Isbar thread

Is this a breed characteristic? The late laying??? I did not know that about them.


I've had Isbars for a long time now..............the pullets do seem to take a while to get to point of lay, especially with winter occurring right when they would normally start.
Once they get going, though, they like to keep at it. I have several hens that lay right through their moults. Not as frequently, but they still squeak a few out anyway. :) Had one group that gave me at least two eggs a week during the worst part of our winter when no other breed was even thinking about it.
Sometimes it is a matter of nutrition when they take a while to start...............make sure your Isbars are all getting a higher protein diet and they'll kick right in. Most of the imported breeds come from countries that don't sell the crap they call poultry feed here..............all of my imports have done wonderfully on a higher protein diet with lots of good treats during the week. The absolute favorite treat here is ground up boiled eggs...............they will stand on their heads to get it! :)

I've had Isbars for a long time now..............the pullets do seem to take a while to get to point of lay, especially with winter occurring right when they would normally start.
Once they get going, though, they like to keep at it. I have several hens that lay right through their moults. Not as frequently, but they still squeak a few out anyway. :) Had one group that gave me at least two eggs a week during the worst part of our winter when no other breed was even thinking about it.
Sometimes it is a matter of nutrition when they take a while to start...............make sure your Isbars are all getting a higher protein diet and they'll kick right in. Most of the imported breeds come from countries that don't sell the crap they call poultry feed here..............all of my imports have done wonderfully on a higher protein diet with lots of good treats during the week. The absolute favorite treat here is ground up boiled eggs...............they will stand on their heads to get it! :)

Very interesting info. Thank you very much. I believe the feed I give mine is about 18% protein but they also free range all day. I also give them some fermented grains along with their food. I wonder if this is enough protein. I start them out on a flock raiser which is 20% protein.


Hope this pic comes through. It was hard getting the two of them together to take a pic! They are kind of messy....I feed off and they had just eaten....
Very cute! It does look like a blue and a black. Enjoy them! The last blue/black set I hatched turned out to both be cockerels...
Hope you have better luck!
I am considering the purchase of a trio of Isbars but have never had them before. Can anyone tell me what their temperaments are like? Do they have loud tendencies or flightiness? Are they mellow? Any information would be helpful. They are exquisite but I am wondering how they are to live with.

Thank you,
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