Isbar thread


Some of you were interested in the eventual outcome of my situation. I will make a quick recap for those not familiar.

I've had a breeding trio of Isbars since spring. All chicks hatch fine, and at about 2-3 weeks old stop eating and drinking, and then die. Probably 90% death rate. Very frustrating. The adult pen is moved in the yard once-twice per week, brooder and incubator properly disinfected, tried both regular and medicated feeds, treating for cocci, disinfecting eggs, all with no improvement. I was puzzled as the only conclusions I had were 1. genetic problems (but my rooster is from a different person than my hens so I didn't think this was likely) 2. some kind of infection that was vertically transmitted. From my research most yolk infections lead to death in less than a week.

I took 3 chicks an hour away to the state university testing lab. While waiting for the results, I began treating all the pens with Tetroxy HCA (tetracycline). By the time the results were back, my chicks were surviving again- about 80% survivability. OSU was very surprised that tetracycline worked as it is such a low level general antibiotic but they sent me the results and wished me luck. I finished treating the adults and all chicks that were hatched before the eggs were "clean" and then stopped treatment. Well in the last few weeks again my survivability rate has dropped, to about 40%. So I took the next step suggested by OSU and took a chicken and the lab results to a vet this morning. Finding a vet to see a chicken was a ride in itself....

OSU paperwork shows positive cultures for a strain of e. coli, with susceptibility to Baytril and several other antibiotics (OSU had recommended trying Baytril first). The vet said US vets are no longer allowed to treat poultry with Baytril, and the FDA is going after vets who prescribe it for poultry. Instead we are treating the adults with the other OSU recommendation, I can't remember the name but they listed it as TRIMETH/SULFA. In the vet's opinion, there is no question in his mind that my original hatching eggs carried this when I hatched them and it came from one of the Isbar breeders I got stock from. It is not a strain typically found in the soil which I had wondered about. He said the Tetroxy HCA only knocks bugs down so the bird's immune system can fight it, it doesn't usually kill something like this. He asked me to keep him updated in a few months as he is interested to know if this does the job. My only other option is to cull this batch of Isbars and start over.

Thanks for the update. I also believe my chicks were infected with an E. Coli bacteria, based on the symptoms. I did not hatch them myself, but bought them as day olds from a local breeder. I only bought 4, but 3 died within a week (while I had 15 other healthy and thriving chicks from another source). The fourth suffered horrible problems for several weeks (eyes swollen shut, inability to eat without assistance, loud peeping). He was still alive with much effort, but unfortunately a black bear put an end to my entire batch of chicks :( If I try Isbars again, they will be from another source!
Anyone selling Isbar eggs???

I am having the worst luck!!!!
A predator killed all of mine, then I bought new eggs and my daughter bumped my incubator to nearly 120 on lockdown and they all died.
Trying to get eggs again and it seems like most people with them are up north and they have slowed their laying for Winter already.
Thanks for the update. I also believe my chicks were infected with an E. Coli bacteria, based on the symptoms. I did not hatch them myself, but bought them as day olds from a local breeder. I only bought 4, but 3 died within a week (while I had 15 other healthy and thriving chicks from another source). The fourth suffered horrible problems for several weeks (eyes swollen shut, inability to eat without assistance, loud peeping). He was still alive with much effort, but unfortunately a black bear put an end to my entire batch of chicks :( If I try Isbars again, they will be from another source!
I, too, lost a bunch of chickens and one runner duck to a bear that tore the door off the coop one night! That is so sad for you. We now have an electric wire running around the coop. I also lost 2 to hawks, 1 to impacted crop and 1 to ?????? She died sitting on the nest.
Anyone selling Isbar eggs???

I am having the worst luck!!!!
A predator killed all of mine, then I bought new eggs and my daughter bumped my incubator to nearly 120 on lockdown and they all died.
Trying to get eggs again and it seems like most people with them are up north and they have slowed their laying for Winter already.

These people PM'd me to let me know they had eggs a couple months ago. They are in Mississippi I think so they may have some.

These people PM'd me to let me know they had eggs a couple months ago. They are in Mississippi I think so they may have some.
I will say that I have dealt with Omega Hills Farm and find them to be very good to deal with. Plus I understand that they just got their NPIP certification, in case your state is strict about that (pretty much all the states on the East Coast require it for out of state eggs and chicks).
Anyone selling Isbar eggs???

I am having the worst luck!!!!
A predator killed all of mine, then I bought new eggs and my daughter bumped my incubator to nearly 120 on lockdown and they all died.
Trying to get eggs again and it seems like most people with them are up north and they have slowed their laying for Winter already.
I have pullets from Waltz's Natural Ark in Colorado that I got last spring. They are just starting to lay beautiful olive green eggs. If you are willing to wait until later winter, I can provide you some eggs, or chicks after I hatch some. I want to let them settle into laying a bit, then hatch a brood myself so that I know they are viable, then I can sell some. I have 2 roosters, one is my profile picture and the other I have attached a picture of. I have 2 black hens and 1 blue. I don't really need 2 rooster with 3 hens so am trying to sell my blue one, if anyone is interested.
Only one hatched out of my batch of eggs. SInce I don't have another to compare it to, I don't know if it is male or female. What age could you start to see differences and what were they? I have a black 7 week old. No comb and is still very small compared to my other large breed chickens. Even my silkies and Mille Fleurs that hatched at the same time are bigger.

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