Isbar thread

I got my first Isbar egg on Nov. 16, '13. I've decided it's time for a fertity test in the ol' incubator. Today when I was picking up eggs, this big one was in the Isbar pen. The color of the pic on the
scale is way off. lol You can see it better among other eggs. 3 ounces. I'm not sure which of the 4 Isbar girls laid it, none of them were walking funny. Just wanted to share. A wonderful 2014 to all of y'all.


Woohoo look what I found in the incubator tray today! Set 11 Isbar eggs, 1 was clear, got 9 chicks. Eight blue and 1 splash I've NEVER not gotten a black in a hatch that size. The one egg that didn't hatch was a black though, it was a full size chick but still had it's beak under its wing so it died before pip time. This is my test hatch, if they are all still alive at 5-6 weeks old I will know I'm clean from last year's infection! Yay!

Well I may lose the one in the top right corner, against my better judgement I did an assist because he pipped on the side and then turned upside down and couldn't get out. Gave him vitamins and will put booties on him tonight, I give him a 50/50 chance.

Woohoo look what I found in the incubator tray today! Set 11 Isbar eggs, 1 was clear, got 9 chicks. Eight blue and 1 splash I've NEVER not gotten a black in a hatch that size. The one egg that didn't hatch was a black though, it was a full size chick but still had it's beak under its wing so it died before pip time. This is my test hatch, if they are all still alive at 5-6 weeks old I will know I'm clean from last year's infection! Yay!

Well I may lose the one in the top right corner, against my better judgement I did an assist because he pipped on the side and then turned upside down and couldn't get out. Gave him vitamins and will put booties on him tonight, I give him a 50/50 chance.

hoooray, congratulations! i have 16 isbar eggs in the incubator right now, should be hatching (*fingers crossed*) a week from tomorrow...
Woohoo look what I found in the incubator tray today! Set 11 Isbar eggs, 1 was clear, got 9 chicks. Eight blue and 1 splash I've NEVER not gotten a black in a hatch that size. The one egg that didn't hatch was a black though, it was a full size chick but still had it's beak under its wing so it died before pip time. This is my test hatch, if they are all still alive at 5-6 weeks old I will know I'm clean from last year's infection! Yay!

Well I may lose the one in the top right corner, against my better judgement I did an assist because he pipped on the side and then turned upside down and couldn't get out. Gave him vitamins and will put booties on him tonight, I give him a 50/50 chance.

Awesome hatch! I hope your little runt makes it
Woohoo look what I found in the incubator tray today! Set 11 Isbar eggs, 1 was clear, got 9 chicks. Eight blue and 1 splash I've NEVER not gotten a black in a hatch that size. The one egg that didn't hatch was a black though, it was a full size chick but still had it's beak under its wing so it died before pip time. This is my test hatch, if they are all still alive at 5-6 weeks old I will know I'm clean from last year's infection! Yay!

Well I may lose the one in the top right corner, against my better judgement I did an assist because he pipped on the side and then turned upside down and couldn't get out. Gave him vitamins and will put booties on him tonight, I give him a 50/50 chance.

Congratulations! That is so exciting. I hope I can set a few eggs from my Isbars soon. I just have one hen and one rooster - both are splash colored. I need to put them together in an isolated pen for a few weeks so I know they will be pure Isbar (I also have a cream legbar rooster out with the hens). I have had my Isbar roo and my cream legbar roo out with all my hens because I was wanting some olive egger babies. I've gathered the biggest, brown eggs and hope that they will hatch out into some olive eggers since the Isbar roo and the cream legbar are the fathers. One egg pipped today so maybe we will have some chicks hatching tomorrow :)
Angela in NC
Woohoo look what I found in the incubator tray today! Set 11 Isbar eggs, 1 was clear, got 9 chicks. Eight blue and 1 splash I've NEVER not gotten a black in a hatch that size. The one egg that didn't hatch was a black though, it was a full size chick but still had it's beak under its wing so it died before pip time. This is my test hatch, if they are all still alive at 5-6 weeks old I will know I'm clean from last year's infection! Yay!

Well I may lose the one in the top right corner, against my better judgement I did an assist because he pipped on the side and then turned upside down and couldn't get out. Gave him vitamins and will put booties on him tonight, I give him a 50/50 chance.

I am a little behind the eight ball....what happened last year, symptoms and how did you cure it?
I am a little behind the eight ball....what happened last year, symptoms and how did you cure it?

All of my Isbar chicks were dying at 3-4 weeks old. I was stumped because it was "too late" for the deaths to be a typical yolk sac infection (which typically strike only under 2 weeks old). Brooded together with other chicks or separate, disinfected incubator, hatcher, and brooder, relocated the adult pen regularly, nest boxes kept clean, everything I did and I would still lose 90% of the chicks. Treated adults and chicks with Tetroxy-HCA for 2 weeks which temporarily solved the problem. Then we went right back to total losses every hatch. Finally paid for 3 chicks to be necropsied and TA-DA: it was an e-coli bacterial infection of the yolk sac. A strain that was strong enough to be knocked down but not killed by the Tetracycline treatment. Went to a vet for the recommended antibiotic. In his opinion this type of strain is not one I could have picked up from the soil or in my environment, it had to have come in the hatching eggs I bought and I was just lucky that the first batch of Isbars I had ever hatched didn't die from it- the hens carried it to adulthood and passed it on to their chicks. I treated with prescription antibiotics and just as I finished that a neighborhood dog got my rooster and one of my hens. I replaced him, then moved, and we are just now getting a "test batch" to grow and and crossing my fingers they live this year!
All of my Isbar chicks were dying at 3-4 weeks old. I was stumped because it was "too late" for the deaths to be a typical yolk sac infection (which typically strike only under 2 weeks old). Brooded together with other chicks or separate, disinfected incubator, hatcher, and brooder, relocated the adult pen regularly, nest boxes kept clean, everything I did and I would still lose 90% of the chicks. Treated adults and chicks with Tetroxy-HCA for 2 weeks which temporarily solved the problem. Then we went right back to total losses every hatch. Finally paid for 3 chicks to be necropsied and TA-DA: it was an e-coli bacterial infection of the yolk sac. A strain that was strong enough to be knocked down but not killed by the Tetracycline treatment. Went to a vet for the recommended antibiotic. In his opinion this type of strain is not one I could have picked up from the soil or in my environment, it had to have come in the hatching eggs I bought and I was just lucky that the first batch of Isbars I had ever hatched didn't die from it- the hens carried it to adulthood and passed it on to their chicks. I treated with prescription antibiotics and just as I finished that a neighborhood dog got my rooster and one of my hens. I replaced him, then moved, and we are just now getting a "test batch" to grow and and crossing my fingers they live this year!

Fingers crossed that you have lost that bad stuff forever!

Incidentally, 4 of my classroom eggs hatched last night and today and a 5th was is making an attempt. They are ALL darker colored so I am relatively sure that my splash Isbar rooster is the father. The only other option was my Cream Legbar and we think he is sterile.... The mothers are some of my dark brown egg layers. I am trying for some olive egger babies. I will try to post some pics of them! They look just like my baby Isabar chicks did.when they hatched.

Angela in NC
Fingers crossed that you have lost that bad stuff forever!

Incidentally, 4 of my classroom eggs hatched last night and today and a 5th was is making an attempt. They are ALL darker colored so I am relatively sure that my splash Isbar rooster is the father. The only other option was my Cream Legbar and we think he is sterile.... The mothers are some of my dark brown egg layers. I am trying for some olive egger babies. I will try to post some pics of them! They look just like my baby Isabar chicks did.when they hatched.

Angela in NC

If the Cream Legbar was the father they would all have a dot on their head (barring gene). Sound like cuties!
If the Cream Legbar was the father they would all have a dot on their head (barring gene). Sound like cuties!

Very interesting! Not one of them have a dot on their heads..... I am really thinking that he may be sterile - is that possible? I tried breeding him with my cream legbar hen last year and all the babies were from my ameracana rooster! I've seen him mating with the hens so who knows. Its only him and my Isbar rooster out with the girls....

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