Isbar thread

I'll PM you. :) There is more to come when I get more time, but for now, picture time! [COLOR=141823]Last year my girls were first year layers. They amazed me with the large eggs that they laid relative to their small body size. This year they are even more amazing!!! That is a quarter in the picture with the eggs.[/COLOR]
Wow! Those are nice eggs. Do you know what they weigh?
City Farm, one of the things I noticed about your Isbar rooster was his light eye. Mostly I have seen have a dark eye. Also, the breast lacing is pretty, but it suggests to me he is crossed. There seems to be much confusion as to what is "pure" and what isn't. I certainly am no authority on the subject, so maybe some one else will jump in here.
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City Farm, one of the things I noticed about your Isbar rooster was his light eye. Mostly I have seen have a dark eye. Also, the breast lacing is pretty, but it suggests to me he is crossed. There seems to be much confusion as to what is "pure" and what isn't. I certainly am no authority on the subject, so maybe some one else will jump in here.

We have our chicken's & duck's for their egg's, bug eating ability and for fun. We don't breed.. We just ended up with breeds from GFF. Our friend had chicks when we needed at that time.. Our summer broody's had a bad hatch rate.. Here is our rooster Burt and one of his girl's, a biefielder, "foxy lady" they were playing in the garden pot's.. Spoiled brat's
City Farm, I apologize. Evidently I misunderstood and thought you were asking whether your Isbar was pure. He's lovely regardless.

No Appology needed.. Very nice of you though.. Our boy Burt, comb and waddle are getting bigger over night it seems.. It's funny that he is courting the hardest girl's our jungle fowl.. They flap their wings from the ground to 6 1/2 feet in a single bound.. There is a small opening at the top of the door.. He chases "tiny" & "Pretty" around.. Finally he caught one of them while they were eating.. We have 2 more that hatched about 2 months ago. Hopefully a hen..

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