Isn't she u-g-l-y!

is that to the music of Stevie Wonder and the song isn't she lovely?

she's not ugly though, has character. and that is a great pic. and Welcome.
we had an ameracauna rooster that looked a WHOLE LOT like Endora ~ except FLuffernutters also had more pointed feathers on his neck and fluffy cheeks. He was beautiful, but he crowed, so we ate him for Sunday dinner, along with Chanel~turned~Max, who also had a crowing habit. (we can't have roosters in our neighborhood).

They were actually quite tasty. After the kids got used to the idea that they had consumed the lovely roosters, they decided they liked roosters; not only did they make great pets, and fun to play with, but in the end, they taste pretty good, too.

Quite the multi-purpose pet, in my opinion. :-D


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