Isolating 1 1/2 year old Easter Egger


May 12, 2020
One of my three Easter Egger hens has been self isolating all day today. She was fine 2 days ago. On Monday of this week, we had a monsoon down pour
which resulted in the flooding of my coop and run, plus the whole backyard. As a result, I kept the hens inside the coop and run until things dried out in
the back yard. I let them out this morning, but she didn't join the other two, and started isolating. I noticed her backside as being covered in white poop,
and just observed her poop, and most of it was white. I just set out some additional food and water ( with additional electrolytes ),

I noticed her crop looked normal and not puffed out, and I think she laid an egg a couple of days ago. She is walking erect, and her eyes look bright, but she
has that lost look. She has stayed in the covered run most of the day.

I don't know what is wrong with her, but would appreciate any input from the more experienced chicken owners.

Thank you!
Maybe vent gleet? If there is a yeasty smell, monistat type products are recommended.
If not, maybe worms since it's been wet, it's the perfect environment for chickens to get a worm overload.
How is her abdomen? Does it feel like a water balloon? If so might be ascites.
Hopefully someone else will chime in, but those are generally the 3 main things I check for.
Udate: my hen is still the same. I haven't seen her eat or drink, but then I'm not in
the coop all the time. One thing does stand out about her: her butt is dirty with poo,
but mostly white in color. She has been standing on top of the nest box lid, and there
is flat white poo on the surface. I know the white stuff is the urine, so what does it
mean when her poo is mostly white? Not eating? I haven't seen any evidence of
worms in any of the fecal droppings of all three chickens, but they have been in the
environment that would promote worms. Should I consider worming them as a
precaution? Another thing is she hasn't laid an egg in several days. Would a bound
egg cause these issues?
You don't have to see worms for it to be an issue.
White can mean she's drinking a lot. Have you seen her eat at all? If not, feed some scrambled eggs to see if she's interested in eating.
Yes being egg bound could also cause these same symptoms. A lot of times, you would see them standing like a penguin. But, you can check to see if there is an egg by feeling her abdomen under the vent. Sometimes you will see the hen attempting to lay an egg as well.
I would let her soak in a warm Epsom bath at least to help clean the poo off. I would also worm, but that's just me and maybe others have different advice.
If a vet is possible, that would be best in order to do some lab work, including a fecal float for worms and coccidiosis, and a gram stain for yeast or enteritis. White urates in poo could be something going on with her kidneys or dehydration, but close observation and getting fluids and food into her are best. Get her vent area cleaned up with a warm soak and a little dish soap or Epsom salts. Look for any irritation, feather loss, or maggots. Probiotics in her food or water may be helpful. Check her crop early in the morning before she eats to make sure that it is emptying overnight, and filling up during the day. Scrambled egg and wet chicken feed are good to offer. Tuna can be a good snack. Watch out for any mold since it has been rainy. Has she layed eggs recently? Look her over for evidence of lice or mites under her belly and elsewhere on skin.

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