It feels like we're preparing for real babies!


12 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Fingerlakes Upstate, NY
Holy nerve-racking batman!!

I’ve never been blessed with children of my own. However if it’s anything like this…. Keep em!!!
Ok, breath, here we are about a week away from 25 chicks. I’ve been going over thing again and again seeing if I missed anything. I’ve been doing temp tests, etc, etc. I need some help to see if I’ve missed anything.

I’ve built a big home (3’x7’) for them so they can stay in the house until they move into the coop, which I haven’t been able to build yet because of weather. I’m shooting for having it done the first week of May. Anyway, how does it look? Is the wood OK? Should I paint it? I didn't put any shavings or paper in it yet. I was just looking to see where things went best.


I know how you feel, my DH and I will be getting our 1st 50 babies on Mar 10th

He just finished building our 2 brooders too...

Same question, should they be painted?

We also are waiting for the weather to break to build the coop.

Good luck with yours!
Lucky chickies!
We are waiting on our first hatch. Never raised chicks before. I'm heading out to a meeting with my cell phone set to vibrate so DH can call with updates. One is chirping and rocking and seems to have started a small crack though it's not a hole yet. I feel like I'm leaving just as labor has started, lol! While candling it occured to me that it was like a sonogram.

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