Its been 19 hours since I heard chirping...what do I do now???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 29, 2013
Help! I have a banty hen sitting on 6 serama eggs. Yesterday was day 19 and around 2 pm I could hear one of them chirping then a few others started after that. I peeked before bed last night and one had finally pipped the shell. I was just sure that overight something else would happen but when I got up this morning everything looked exactly the same. It's going on 19 hours now. What should I do? How long should I let it go before I help a little? I've read that seramas sometimes need a little help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Wow, that was so informative! Thank you for sharing. 5 of the 6 hatched. The 6th was upside down in the shell. Everything else looked normal. When I posted that on BYC I googled my questions and didnt find very much helpful information. I will definately be going back to that link in the future. My last hatch with a broody mama went so smooth. Everyone hatched at the same time no problems. This time was nerve wracking. I had to actually leave the house for a few hours, I couldn't stand it lol! Thanks again!
You are welcome! :D

Yep, I have to KEEP reading through that article, almost every time I hatch. It just has so much good information, as well as some really good links for even more in depth information.

Also, I am a meddler by nature. So, it helps to remind myself that waiting is GOOD. And, if I waited too long and the poor chick died, it is highly likely that that was a good thing!

I sure am glad you had 5 of 6, that is a good group!

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