It's chilly but they won't go inside!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Smidge north of Seattle
We're looking at 25 degrees tonight so I put the heat lamp (with a red bulb) in the hen house. The girls are all hanging in the outside roost. Should I make them go inside or trust that they know where they're comfortable? They sure look fluffed up and chilly....
They're inside a secure coop so they're safe, but dang!, it's cold! We only put the light on if it dips below 30 so it is new-ish. Not never-before-seen new, but certainly not-normal new.

It's cold enough that the waterer in the coop is frozen solid. If we don't turn on the lamp the water inside the hen house freezes too.

Just keep hearing how chickens aren't the smartest bulbs in the pack. I'd hate to wake up to them dangling under the roost so to speak. Wouldn't be a good way to start the new year.
I don't think you really have to worry about anything if predators are not a problem where they are. Yes, they'd probably be a bit more comfortable inside, but it's probably not cold enough to bother them there, either. And it's OK to put them inside if you want. I suspect the heat lamp has them spooked. They most certainly are NOT the brightest of critters. They might appreciate your showing them that the heat lamp won't hurt them.
We were out of town the last few days when it snowed so a friend hooked up the lamp for us. I s'pose I'll keep my fingers crossed and count on them to go where they should be. One of them is hanging in the hen house. Our egg-laying has slacked off quite a bit from 3 eggs a day to 1 (we only have 4 pullets), but maybe that's just the weather?

It's all a mystery to me. Sure like having these girls around though.

Happy New Year (in 40 minutes)!
Hi jjhere,

Imp in Renton here.
I have a heater in my coop to, just feels right to spoil them. Make sure the heat lamp is very secure.

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