It's Complicated


9 Years
Jan 29, 2014
Well finally I have joined BYC I have followed this site and forums for the last 6 months from when I got my (what the locals call) Kampung Chickens, I am an English man living here in Malaysia for the last 17 years. I bought in total 47 birds at 6 weeks old and they were going great until 3 weeks ago when some person or persons thought that they would make a quick dollar being as the demand is super high for the so called medicinal properties of Kampung Chickens and the forth coming Chinese New Year and broke in stealing 30 of my birds. I was prepared against the monkeys, monitor lizards and other wildlife but I was not prepared against the human. Anyway my remaining 17 birds are still fine and I am getting 9 eggs a day which is great.

All that was off subject sorry for that I thought I would give a little background, anyway about 6 months ago I bought a pair of 3 week old Chinese brown geese they were supposed to be a pair, one was bigger and seemed stronger than the other so maybe they were.(I bought them as a deterrent for monkeys) However as they have grown and come of age so to speak they have changed. I thought I had them sussed but I am not sure now.

The bigger one when they were small is now the smallest one,

The smallest one is much darker than the other,

The lighter coloured one is really light in colour and bigger is in size,

They both hiss, stretch their necks and speed their wings when I come to feed them.

The lumps on their heads are about the same size,

The darker smaller one will not let you closer to it, it always stays just out of arms reach,

The larger one is better than a labrador dog, it will come to you and walk between you legs wanting to be petted all the time, it loves to be picked up,

I have not listened to their sounds so not sure about that,

When they get in the little pond they love to bathe,

If the smaller darker bird is in the pond the bigger lighter coloured bird does not bother it,

If the bigger lighter coloured bird gets in the water then the smaller darker bird tries to grab the back of the other birds neck and pushes it under water, seems like it doesn't know he supposed to get on top haha (sorry) anyway I am confused after reading all the facts on the forums it would seem that the smaller bird is the gander but everything I have read tells me the opposite. How do we really tell? or do I have to wait until there are either eggs or not in a couple of months time??

Hi All,

Well we are well into the second week and my goose is sitting still in her own private little room, This time she is out of contact from the marauding chickens and looks content. Now I have 2 eggs under her and 2 eggs in the incubator, I candled the eggs in the incubator the other day and they have a large spot and blood vessels so I think all is well. I am now wondering should I move the eggs from the incubator down to the goose being as she looks settled or leave them in the incubator? What are you thoughts on this?

Blood vessels is great!
Well, I´d be inclined to leave things as they are if you think the incubator is going well, due to ther isk of preds where the geese are. However, if you´re pretty sure she´s reliably settled and safe, the eggs will do fine with her. All up to you..
the saying "all your eggs in one basket" comes to mind, though! Some of us on here trust the incubators more than the geese, others trust the geese to incubate.....
And if you should decide to keep the 2 in the incubator and they manage to hatch, you can always introduce them to the goose once her own eggs are hatching.
Make a picture! then we will tell you since its easiest to tell if you have a picture :/
sounds like your geese are the same sex

The first pic is my larger very petty friendly more lightly coloured bird, the second pic is my smaller darker not so friendly bird.
Just what i thought they are both males XD
They are brown chinese cross with white chinese goose because they have white at their belly but they are still pure chinese
the first pic looks like brown african cross whiite chinese (africans are a lot lighter in colour then chinese)
Thank you for your reply, I sort of thought that deep down but hoped I was wrong. I only have room for 2 geese comfortably so if I want a female, then one has to go. This is a very difficult choice because I really like the colour of the darker smaller bird but the other larger bird is just so friendly.

On another note, if I keep these 2 males will they fight later when they get older?
If I added one more female will they fight then?
If I part with one bird and replace with an adult female will they get along together?
Now I am a little disappointed would have solved my problem if they had sold me correctly in the first place.

Thanks again for the inputs I really appreciate it.

Thank you for your reply, I sort of thought that deep down but hoped I was wrong. I only have room for 2 geese comfortably so if I want a female, then one has to go. This is a very difficult choice because I really like the colour of the darker smaller bird but the other larger bird is just so friendly.

On another note, if I keep these 2 males will they fight later when they get older?
If I added one more female will they fight then?
If I part with one bird and replace with an adult female will they get along together?
Now I am a little disappointed would have solved my problem if they had sold me correctly in the first place.

Thanks again for the inputs I really appreciate it.

Iain Utah a member here had 2 ganders on her property when she moved in and they were best friends even raised some goslings for her. Now if you add a goose to the mix they may fight over her. But if you keep one gander and get him a goose they will have some adjustments to make till they get to know each other but mating season usually enforces their relationship. But i can tell you from experience most ganders are pretty cranky during breeding season so your very sweet boy may turn into Mr Hyde for a while.

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