Its Daylight Savings Again! Ugh...


12 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Sonoma County, Northern Calif
Can you believe it!! This Sunday March 14th, its spring forward with the clocks.
I like having the lighter afternoon/evenings.

But I wish that the time was just one way OR the other.

I hate changing all the clocks, stove, microwave, coffemaker.....and I don't feel rested for at least a week after the changeover.


How about you??
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I'm with you! I want daylight savings time all the time. I like the light in the evenings, and don't really care if I have to wake up in the dark. Light in the morning just makes me feel like I'm late to work.
But, just DON'T change it!
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It means the days are going to be lighter later AND I only have to work 11 hours but get paid for 12!

I don't mind it, I guess- the worst part is changing 50 some clocks- but it's only twice a year, so it's ok.
Well our clocks here at the house never
have the right time anyways so this will
be as good a time as any to set them.
I like it Daylight Savings better myself.
We may get the new chicken houses built now.
Well, I got an atomic clock for the kitchen, and the computers and cell phones and DH's alarm clock set themselves too so..............

BUT I still wish it would just stay one way or the other. I could get used to it either way, it's just CHANGING that bugs me!
I also prefer the light in the evenings. I've always wondered thought, why don't we just move the clocks 30min.(split the difference) and just leave them alone? Seems like torture twice a year to me the way it is now.

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