It's "Hatchery Week" on Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer

I'm in the Atlanta listening area!

I'll be listening in at work!! Thanks for the info!
Very cool! I want one of those fabulous chicken coops! If not, I will just learn some more about chickens!

How about Cackle? I am getting some chicks from Cackle this week.
Hey BYC Members,

Don't forget that tomorrow, Thursday, July 9th I will welcome McMurray Hatchery to the show! They will be telling us all about their hatchery and how they got started way back when!

During the radio show we have a "LIVE" chat room where you can discuss the show with other chicken lovers and even ask McMurray Hatchery a few questions!

Listen live tomorrow at 12:00pm EST. here:

for listening!

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