its january and chickens have stopped laying eggs

turkey lover

10 Years
Mar 12, 2013
this fall we insulated our chicken coop,,made the door smaller put a heat lamp in there coop at turns on at 5 a,m and off at 7.30 a.m then turns back on at 5.30 p,m and off again at 9.p.m i make sure they have fresh water every day and enough oyster shell as food,but with all this my chickens have stopped laying eggs i have 13 hens and one rooster,they do not free range but have a fairly good size area to roam any ideas on why they have stopped laying they get a high protein food as well please help
What are their ages, are they molting? Have you checked for mites? It's likely just the shorter days. I would get the heat lamp out ASAP. Chickens don't need heat and it could be stressing your birds, which would stop production.
so your saying take the heat lamp out ,should i just put in a regular light then i thought they needed a heat lamp to help keep them warm it isn't a big one just a small one and only to one side of the coop so if they are cold they can get warm if not well they can move o the other side where the nest box's are
Heat lamps are a major fire hazard. Most breeds are cold hardy, so they'll be fine down to negative temps. A roller coaster of temps will negatively impact their health, which having a heat lamp in is doing. Shortening day light is why affects laying, so if you want to supplement light to give them 14 hours you can with a regular bulb.
thank you i will take out heat lamp and do a regulate light on the same timer,5.0
0 a.m to and then at 5.30 pm to 9 pm off all night
I don't believe a heat lamp is going to stress birds nor do I think they're overly dangerous providing they're mounted properly but the fluctuating temps you have from the light going off and on could cause stress. If i were to provide heat I would leave the heat on costantly providing it didn't get really warm, I would try for just over freezing while still having ventilation. That said I don't really feel the birds need heat mine regularly deal with extreme sub zero temps. I would mainly heat to maintain a decent rate of lay and prevent eggs and water from freezing.
Currently my coop isn't insulated and I have a low watt daylight spectrum bulb to help with laying. What temps do you have in your area.
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